Home Integrations Can I use Atoa for e-commerce payments?

Can I use Atoa for e-commerce payments?

Last updated on Jun 27, 2024

Atoa is now fully integrated with Woo-Commerce for WordPress. To get started, you will need to register with Atoa Business (if you haven't already) and then download a plugin to add Atoa as a payment method at checkout. Follow the instructions here: https://docs.atoa.me/WooCommerce/

Information about our APIs for developers can be found here: https://docs.atoa.me.

  1. We are currently working with Shopify, Magento and a variety of other providers to get Atoa added as an option for e-commerce. We are eager to provide our customers with fair pricing for physical stores and online: same small fees, same instant payment, same Atoa.

  2. Businesses that use their Atoa account for online shopping transactions or Facebook Marketplace-related payments will be suspended from our platform.

  3. If you are using a different e-commerce provider or need to know whether your business qualifies for Atoa, you can email us at hello@paywithatoa.co.uk.

    (Please note, not all businesses will qualify for E-Commerce and you may be asked to provide additional documents and summaries when verifying the business.)